Commercial Inspections

The City of Fort St John will conduct Fire and Life Safety inspections on occupancies to ensure that existing fire and life safety protection measures are acceptable and maintained. When required, corrective measures will be taken to ensure an acceptable degree of fire safety within the premises. As part of the compliance program, when a deficiency is identified, a time frame based on the life safety risk will be provided to the owner or owner’s representative to remedy those deficiencies.

Inspection Frequencies are determined by a risk-based method. Risk-based inspections shall be categorized as “High,” “Medium,” or “Low” by considering the inherent risk associated with the property and historical code compliance. The associated risk is determined by the occupancy’s hazard classification and the potential impact of the hazard.

Fire and Life Safety Self-Assessment Program

The Fire and Life Safety Self-Assessment Program empowers business owners and property managers to conduct regular fire inspections. According to the BC Fire Code, property owners or their designated representatives are responsible for these assessments. The program provides a structured framework for businesses to evaluate their fire safety protocols, including emergency exits, fire extinguisher accessibility, and electrical safety. 

The City of Fort St. John Fire Department continues to conduct regular fire inspections on all commercial properties at least once every three years, and businesses will be required to complete the Fire and Life Safety Self-Assessment on the years without a formal inspection.