Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, as mandated by Section 98 of the Community Charter, offers an overview of the City's accomplishments, activities, and financial performance throughout the previous year.

It represents the City's strong commitment to transparency, accountability, and effective governance. It serves as a valuable resource for the residents of Fort St. John and other interested parties, providing insights into the City's operations and financial position.

Council approved the 2023 Annual Report at a Public Meeting on Monday, June 24, 2024.

Previous Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report [PDF - 8 MB]
2021 Annual Report [PDF - 6 MB]

2020 Annual Report [PDF - 5 MB]
2019 Annual Report [PDF - 5 MB]
2018 Annual Report [PDF - 7 MB]

Financial Statements

Each year, the City of Fort St. John, as required by the Community Charter, releases audited financial statements. These documents, included in the Annual Report, are independently reviewed by external auditors who then express their opinion on the financial statements.

Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) Report

The Financial Information Act requires local governments in British Columbia to submit a Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) to the Provincial Government. This report contains information on Council and employee remuneration and expenses, supplier payments, and any severance agreements if required.

The 2023 Statement of Financial Information [PDF - 587 KB] was approved by Council at the May 27, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.