Bylaw Services FAQ

Which bylaw covers maintenance of private property and who do I contact to report a property that is neglected and has junk and debris in the yard?

The Property Standards Bylaw [PDF - 4 MB] sets out standards that property owners and occupiers must maintain on their premises and includes regulations on weeds, tall grass, litter and refuse, amongst other things. Contact the Bylaw Services at City Hall to report any possible infractions.

I received a parking ticket, what do I do?

You can bring your parking ticket into City Hall during regular business hours and speak with a clerk about payment or to dispute the ticket. If you choose to dispute the ticket, you will be required to fill out a parking ticket dispute form. The Bylaw Services will review the form and the other evidence resulting from the issuing Officer and a decision will be made. You have 14 days to dispute the ticket from the date of issue. You can also make a payment by cheque, cash, debit, credit card (subject to a 3.5% processing fee), or by mail.

I need to purchase a Disabled Parking pass, where do I get one?

To begin the process of applying for a disabled parking pass, please visit SPARC BC  and have your doctor fill out the application form. Before mailing in your completed application, bring the form to City Hall during regular business hours and we will issue a temporary city-wide pass. SPARC BC will issue your permanent permit. Remember if you do not have a pass, then you are not permitted to park in the disabled parking areas around the City. The fine for parking in a disabled parking spot is $50.00.

What are the bylaw regulations regarding setting out my garbage and recycling?

The City of Fort St. John provides garbage and recycling carts for their residences. Please ensure that the lid on the cart is closed and that no garbage is spilling out of the bin. The cart must be facing the correct way, and in an area which is accessible for the truck to pick it up. Failure to comply with the Solid Waste Management Bylaw [PDF - 621 KB] or its regulations will result in a disruption in your service or a fine under the bylaw. Single bags of garbage are not permitted to be left on the curb or on the street for pick up, and extra garbage carts can be purchased through the Public Works Department.

How many hours am I allowed to park on the street?

The Traffic Bylaw [PDF - 1 MB]  allows you to park a vehicle on the street for no more than a consecutive 24-hour time period and prohibits you from parking on the street between 12 am - 8 am in certain areas in the City.

I would like to ride my motorized recreational vehicle in the City, can I do so?

No, you cannot, as per Traffic Bylaw [PDF - 1 MB]  Section 3(24) prohibits the operation of an all-terrain vehicle within the boundaries of the City.

How long after a snowfall do I have before I must clear the City sidewalk of snow and ice?

The Sidewalk Clearing Bylaw requires all owners and occupiers of real property adjacent to a sidewalk to clear all the snow, ice or other debris from the sidewalk within 48-hours of a deposit.

Can bylaw complaints be made anonymously?

In accordance with the Bylaw Enforcement Policy [PDF - 407 KB] all persons who submit complaints must provide their full name, address and phone number. Consequently, anonymous complaints are not permitted. However, persons who make complaints will have their information kept confidential in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and it will not be released unless the City is legally required to do so. The City may be required to release such information in the event that an investigation results in Court proceedings.

What is the purpose for Parking Meters in the City? And what are the regulations?

There are many reasons why the City has parking meters. One of the main reasons is to keep the traffic flowing in the downtown core, allowing for a constant turnover of parking availability for incoming motorists. We encourage people to shop and visit the downtown core, and the parking meters allow people to visit their particular venue of choice, by providing accessible parking spaces on the street. 

The time restraints on parking meters encourages motorists to move their vehicles within a prescribed time period, thus preventing motorists from abusing parking privileges and allowing for a constant turnover of parking availability for arriving visitors to a place of business.

Various parking meters accept quarters and dollar coins depending on the location of the meter. The meters are in operation during the following times:

Monday through Saturday – 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sundays and statutory holidays – FREE parking

The Bylaw Services monitors the City's enforcement of all parking bylaws.