Schedules & Fees

North Peace Leisure Pool 

Regular Facility Hours 

Monday to Friday: 6 am – 10 pm
Saturday:   9 am - 9 pm
Sunday:  9 am – 5 pm
Pool front desk: 250-787-8178



Spring Break Swim, Drop-in Fitness & Lap Swim Schedule
(March 16 - 29, 2025)

[PDF - 1 MB]

 Swim Schedule

North Peace Leisure Pool - Drop-in Fitness Schedule


Swimming Rates 

Drop-in Admission Prices Fitness
Family $16.00  
Senior (65+ years) $3.00 $4.00
Adult (19 - 64 years) $6.00 $7.00
Youth (6 - 18 years) $3.00 $3.00
Toddler (5 and under) FREE  

Taxes apply to all drop-in admission fees. A family is up to a maximum of two adults and four dependent children living in the same household. 


Due to the inability to obtain replacement parts for the existing quarter locker system there are only a limited amount of quarter lockers in good working condition in the pool changerooms. As the mechanisms stop working on the quarter lockers, the facility will transition to the use of a pad lock per locker. Pool patrons can bring a pad lock from home to use for the duration of their day time swim or pad locks are available for rent from the front desk for $1.00.

If you frequently visit the pool, speak to the front desk customer service representative about lockers that are available for rent by the month or year. 

Pomeroy Sport Centre 

Visitor Centre Hours (May - September)
Monday to Friday:     8 am – 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday:  9 am - 5 pm
OPEN Statutory Holidays

Northern Vac Track Hours (May - September)
Monday to Friday:     8am - 9pm 
Saturday & Sunday:  8am - 8pm
CLOSED Statutory Holidays

Pomeroy Sport Centre front desk: 250-785-4592 extension 2

Ice Schedule


Hard Edge Sports Skate Shop

Hard Edge Sports is located on the first floor of the Pomeroy Sport Centre. various skate services, as well as hockey equipment, clothing, and accessories, are available for purchase. Spring hours will vary for the spring/summer season. For more information, contact the shop directly at 250-785-1222.

Skate Sharpening


New Skate Sharpening


Skate Rentals


Skate Profiling
