Lifeguard and First Aid Training

Become a Lifeguard at the North Peace Leisure Pool


To qualify for an amazing position at the pool as a Pool Attendant (Lifeguard/Swim Instructor), you must successfully complete the following courses:

  1. Bronze Medallion
  2. Bronze Cross
  3. Standard First Aid with CPR-C 
  4. Lifesaving/ Swim Instructor
  5. National Lifeguard

Once complete, check out the Job Opportunities page for openings here at the North Peace Leisure Pool!

Qualifications for positions at THE POOL:

Waterslide Attendant:
Age 15+ years & Standard First Aid

Pool Attendant (Lifeguard / Swim Instructor):
Standard First Aid with CPR-C, National Lifeguard, Age 15+ years, and Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Instructor

Bronze Medallion

Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness.  Rescuers learn advanced lifesaving techniques for challenging rescues of increased risk, involving conscious and unconscious victims in varying water depths. Participants develop stroke efficiency and endurance in timed swims (500 meters). Includes CPR-A.
Prerequisites:  Must be 13 years old OR have completed Bronze Star.

Register online for Bronze Medallion

Bronze Cross

This course is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including an introduction to safety supervision in aquatic facilities. Candidates develop proficiency in performing patient assessments, managing aquatic spinal injuries, and preventing the loss of life in a variety of aquatic emergencies while developing stroke endurance and fitness training skills. Bronze Cross includes the CPR-C certification and is one of the pre-requisite awards for all advanced Lifeguarding and Leadership training programs. Bronze Cross is also worth 2 Grade 11 High School Credits.
Prerequisites:  Bronze Medallion

Register online for Bronze Cross

National Lifeguard

The National Lifeguard - Pool Option is designed to develop the fundamental values, judgment, knowledge, skills and fitness required by lifeguards. The NL course emphasizes the lifeguarding skills, principles, practices and the decision making processes which will assist the lifeguard to provide effective safety supervision in swimming pool environments.
Prerequisites: Standard First Aid with CPR-C (16 hour course), Bronze Cross certification, & 15 years of age by last day of course

Register online for National Lifeguard

National Lifeguard Precert/Recert

Prerequisites: Participants MUST have had a National Lifeguard certification within the last 2 years and show that they once held certification in Standard First Aid, as well as government issued ID.

Register online for National Lifeguard Precert/Recert

Standard First Aid 

Comprehensive two-day course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.
Prerequisites: No formal prerequisites, recommended 13 years of age or older

Register online for Standard First Aid

Lifesaving/ Swim for Life Instructor (LSI)

A Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) is trained to teach and evaluate the Canadian Swim Patrol program, Bronze programs, and the Swim for Life programs. Instructor candidates are taught learning styles and teaching methods as they apply to water rescue, first aid, and related aquatic skills in the Canadian Lifesaving Program. Candidates also learn about long-range and short-term planning, class management, safety supervision and the principles of evaluation.
Prerequisites: 15+ and completion of Bronze Cross (certification can be current or expired)

Register online for Lifesaving/ Swim for Life Instructor

Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) Recertification Clinic

Prerequisites: Must be currently certified within 5 years as a Lifesaving Instructor.

Register online for Lifesaving Instructor Recertification Clinic