Facility Allocations
The City of Fort St. John works responsibly to manage recreational spaces in an equitable manner. In order to meet current and future demands for all users, an allocation process is conducted with user groups. After an allocation period has closed, all facilities are rented on a first-come, first-served basis for any vacant time slots. To learn about rentals outside of the allocation process, visit our Rentals page.
The City will coordinate, schedule, and operate the recreation facilities to ensure optimum usage and programming for regular user groups through allocation processes.
Groups or organizations requesting to reserve space at the recreational facilities must adhere to the Council Policy No. 117 - Recreation Facility Allocation Policy [PDF - 595 KB] and submission dates.
Allocation Schedules
Allocations are scheduled throughout the year based on activity. All those interested in regular access to recreational facilities are encouraged to participate in the facility allocation process.
New and emerging sport and cultural activities that are interested in being included in the allocations process are invited to participate in this process. For more information, please email Reservations.
Allocation Periods schedules will be provided to the public by March 31 of each calendar year. Click here to view the 2024-2025 Allocation Schedule.pdf [PDF - 204 KB]
Currently Open Allocation Periods
2024-2025 Ice Allocation Package.pdf [PDF - 306 KB]
2024-2025 Regular Season_Fitness Allocation Request Package.pdf [PDF - 301 KB]
User Group Categories
The City of Fort St. John uses a benefit-based approach to set fees per category of user group. The following are the four categories of user groups:
Youth Public Recreation
A non-profit organization organized and operated for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, and/or recreation. 75% of the membership must be 18 years of age or under to qualify for youth status. Examples include Girl Guides, Scouts, and Minor Sports groups.
Adult Public Recreation
A non-profit organization organized and operated for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, and/or recreation. Groups that do not meet the "75% under the age of 18" bylaw would qualify for adult status. Examples include Fort St. John Recreation Hockey or North Peace Potter's Guild.
Private Group
A private patron (individual) or organization requesting the use of a facility for a private function where no profit is being generated for use by that group would qualify for private status. Examples include family reunions, weddings, picnics, church congregation activities, or a service club annual general meeting.
Commercial Entity
A company requesting the use of a facility for its own profit would qualify for commercial status. Examples include an entertainment promoter, local radio station, travelling circus, or the NHL Old-timers Promotional Show. This also includes other levels of government.