City addresses Northern Health letter

December 14, 2022

On the agenda of the December 12, 2022 Regular Council Meeting was a letter from Northern Health regarding Overdose Prevention Services in Fort St. John.

Through this letter, Northern Health informed the City of its intentions to address the Toxic Drug Crisis in our community through Overdose Prevention Services as mandated by the Provincial Government’s Ministry of Health and Overdose Emergency Response Centre. Through this Ministerial Order, the Provincial Government holds the jurisdiction for the planning and implementing of these services, including Northern Health’s leased location at 10067 – 100 Street, meaning these processes do not require the City of Fort St. John’s approval.

“The ongoing opioid crisis in our community and throughout the province is a human tragedy that must be addressed. The City of Fort St. John supports and recognizes the need for wraparound harm reduction services in our community with consideration to the appropriate location and safety measures of these services,” stated Mayor Lilia Hansen.

Northern Health, through Urban Matters, will host public engagement opportunities beginning in 2023. The City of Fort St. John encourages all citizens to be involved in the engagement process or to provide your input to Northern Health and MLA Dan Davies in one of the following ways:

Northern Health:
Dan Davies, MLA Peace River North:

Attachment - Northern Health Letter dated November 28, 2022


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